Hypnotherapy For Weight Loss
Looking For Help Managing Your Weight, Whether It Be To Lose Or Gain Weight
We provide Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss or Weight Gain, whatever your need is. Contact Laylee today, or book in now for a free initial consultation to work out the details on how she can help you.

I am a qualified practitioner in The Richards Trauma Process (TRTP) therapy. Which is a quick, safe, reliable and comfortable hypnotic process. TRTP is an effective Trauma Therapy because it recognises the need for the client to be empowered, and to know that the trauma is over and that it is safe now, in order for the trauma to be resolved.

Weight Gain Is A Growing Problem
We all know that obesity is an exponentially growing problem in our community, with negative effects on our lifestyle and health. Your GP may have even raised a concern for high cholesterol, heart disease or joint issues with you. Contact Laylee today, and she can help you get it sorted.
Struggling With Diet Or Exercise?
Are you tired of the treadmill of diet and weight gain, over and over again? Are you tired of being self-conscious and embarrassed about your body image and lack of discipline around food and exercise?
All you need to do is make that first contact with Laylee, and she will work in partnership with you, to reform your body and rebuild your self-esteem.

Hypnotherapy For Weight Loss
Here at Hypnotherapy on Sunshine Coast, we offer two different weight loss methods. Both of which are tailored to the individual, and are both very effective:
Traditional Hypnotherapy – which normally takes 4 x 1hr sessions. Booked a week apart, andThe Virtual Gastric Band (lap band) – using hypnotherapy, a suggestion is made to our subconcious of having had a real gastric band inserted; this method also normally takes 4 x 1hr sessions. Booked a week apart.
The Virtual Gastric Band means that it is inserted hypnotically rather than actually physically, so it takes away any risk that the real Gastric Band carries. Plus there are no waiting times or hospitalization required for insertion of the band.
After the sessions, the mind believes that it a Gastric Band is now in place, reducing the size of the stomach. So one can no longer overeat.
I had a real Gastric Band inserted many years ago (before Virtual Gastric Bands were available), and lost 17kgs over a short period of time. So I am pleased to be able to provide this procedure virtually, without the need for an operation or recovery. I am confident that the Virtual Band is effective in every way.
Do You Have Trouble Gaining Or Keeping On Weight?
First time seeing Laylee? Before you book an in-depth hypnotherapy session, it is good to touch base with Laylee first, with a 20-30 minute complementary consultation.
With this free consultation service, Laylee will work with you to find out how best to suit your needs and investment required.
Book the Free Consultation with Laylee and see how she can help you get to the underlying issue using traditional hypnotherapy sessions.
Want to more about the Weight Management options using Hypnotherapy? Call or send Laylee a message.