Hypnotherapy For Anxiety & Depression
We know about the discomfort of anxiety, and we are the experts in dealing with it. We see people who have been visiting psychologists for months, and start feeling the benefits after their first hypnotherapy session with us.
Through using hypnotherapy to treat depression and hypnotherapy anxiety, your life can be regained. No more pain, no more avoiding life, no more excuses about not joining in. Freed from the shackles of depression and anxiety.
Freedom, at last, feeling motivated and whole again. At last, enjoy life and recognize that you ARE as good as the next person. Knowing at last that you deserve a good life just like everyone else, and at last, being able to enjoy every moment of it.

I am a qualified practitioner in The Richards Trauma Process (TRTP) therapy. Which is a quick, safe, reliable and comfortable hypnotic process. TRTP is an effective Trauma Therapy because it recognises the need for the client to be empowered, and to know that the trauma is over and that it is safe now, in order for the trauma to be resolved.

Therapy Options For Depression And Anxiety
We have 2 options available for treating Depression and Anxiety:
The Richards Trauma Process (TRTP) method, or
Conventional Hypnotherapy.
They do differ in treatment length and cost. If you do not have a preference, Laylee can go over the differences further in your Free Initial Consultation session to help you decide. Click here to book your complementary session now.

Here at Hypnotherapy on the Sunshine Coast, we provide Hypnotherapy treatments for Anxiety & Depression.
Time stops still, for those who have depression and/or anxiety. Life goes on, but those who have these crippling ailments, feel that there is no life at all. Feeling nothing of yourself, and your emotions are dead.
A sense of being in no man’s land, a sense of numbness to the core. A sense of oblivion, or a sense of being in a well so deep that you can’t climb out of it. The sun might be shining but it does not shine on you. Nothing can warm up that blank heart of clay!
And the anxiety, feeling as though you are not even in your own head anymore, feeling frazzled, fragmented, feeling separated from yourself, spinning, out of control. Can’t think, can’t feel, paralysed from making a decision.
Hypnotherapy on Sunshine Coast understands it all. We provide the ladder and gently encourage you to climb out of the well. We have a track record of helping people, just like you with depression, to help you take those precious steps in just a few sessions, designed to regain the life that you deserve.
Book Your Free Initial Hypnotherapy For Anxiety & Depression
First time seeing Laylee? Before you book an in-depth hypnotherapy session, it is good to touch base with Laylee first, with a 20-30 minute complementary consultation.
With this free consultation service, Laylee will work with you to find out how best to suit your needs and investment required.
Already had your initial consultation, and wanting to book an in-depth hypnotherapy session: