Past Life Regression
Who Were You Previously? How Does Your Past Affect You Today?
Find out who you were in previous lives through Past Life Regression, online or face-to-fact on the Sunshine Coast, Find out how it affects your current life today. Book your session with Laylee today, and get these questions finally answered

Have You Ever Wondered?
Who are you really? Cleopatra or Abraham Lincoln? Past life regression work is the answer to this puzzling question. While one might hope that they find themselves in a past life as someone famous, it is the mundane past lives of being a slave girl, or a military man, that hold far more relevance and show the keys to the mysteries of one’s current life.
Past life regression and Life Between Life Regression are becoming more and more popular, as more people begin to understand that each of us is just one soul, living many lives, with different personas.

Don’t Believe In Reincarnation?
For those who do not agree with reincarnation, just understanding that the subconscious or unconscious mind can also make up past lives and relevant detail, to shine light on our current lives – can also solve the mysteries of life itself.

The Appeal Of Past Life Regression
So what is so appealing about this new found modality? Firstly, to believe in reincarnation so that we can keep on learning what we need to, through subsequent lives, makes a lot of sense. Why would human beings be created just to live one life and then die forever? It also provides an avenue to understand acts that one does to another, when we put karma into the equation. In one life someone might enact something on someone, and in a subsequent life, that debt is paid off.
It also answers the question of deJa’ vu – when we feel that we have experienced something before.
Dr Raymond Moody1, Dr Brian Reiss2 and Dr Michael Newton3 have all researched this fascinating area and offer many books to explain the phenomena of reincarnation. Coming as close as possible to prove it exists.
Lastly, past life regression has true relevance to our current lives. For example, its very common to find an affliction in a current life healed, such as a broken leg, when past life regression has shown that the person was speared in the same leg in an earlier life. >> Contact Laylee if interested in hearing more.
A View Carried Over
Although not of a physical ailment, my own experience sheds light as to how past life regression can impact on one’s current life. I have always had money issues, never being able to hold on to it, when I found that in a past life I viewed wealth as being disgusting, and wanted not to have it. Since this experience, I have opened up a stream of abundance, that I would never have dreamt of.
Both Past Life Regression and Life Between Life Regression can be facilitated in online or face-to-face sessions.